Still on schedule. My blood result despite the WBC and and RBC getting low already are still within allowed level so I was admitted yesterday for preliminaries then had my 3rd chemo today. No unusual incident once more and as always was visited by my friends the night before to give moral support. What a source they are... they and so many others praying for me, supporting me especially my family too.
The pain and discomfort always kicks in on the second day after chemo on Friday night. Other patients in the doctor clinic doesn't seem to experience the pain in their legs and feet. The otehrs are mostly numbing of hands and feet but my pain is terrible despite the medicine but it goes away in a few days. So do the nausea and difficulty eating. After a few days I eat very well. Have too! Need to prepare my body for the next session. Just hoe I am able to sleep well so I could really gain good health and be ready.
And as always continue praying and trusting in the Lord. Everything will be okay.